As of 01/19 at 8:55 pm, the Monday Mass schedule remains the same. We are actively monitoring weather conditions and will update changes, if any, to the schedule.
Please join Father Rodolfo in person or online for a Town Hall Meeting to discuss the Believe, Belong and Beyond Capital Campaign. The meeting is scheduled to be held in the church on Wednesday, April 28 from 7-8pm and will be livestreamed on Facebook.
As of October 24th, Msgr. Mike is currently recovering at Padua Place. Although Padua Place is a home for retired priests, Msgr. Mike is not ready to retire. He is there just to gain strength and return home to the rectory and to the Parish. He is receiving Physical Therapy and home Health Care Service. Please continue to keep Msgr. Mike in your prayers.
Matthew 13 is a unique Bible chapter. It is filled with Jesus’ favorite means of sharing the Good News. And that means is through parables. Jesus uses parables to teach and share His Father’s message. So, what is a parable?...
There is an old story here but still apropos for today’s second reading from Romans. There once was a man that was walking along a mountain road. He saw an Indian lying in the middle of the road with his ear pressed to the ground. As he got close to the Indian, he heard this Indian talking ...
When needs are not being met, what do we tend to do? We tend to attempt to solve them in some form of fashion. We come across an issue in today’s first reading from the Acts of the Apostles. There is a problem...
King Duncan tells this story. Two television evangelists were talking. One was explaining how he was seeking to be the ideal shepherd to his television flock. “There are three ways I seek to do that,” he said. “What three ways do you mean?” asked the other evangelist. “Well” he explained, “First we FIND them. Every year we find new stations to carry our ministry. Then we FEED them. I give them the plain unvarnished word of God.” But what’s the third thing?” asked the second evangelist...
King Duncan shares this story about Dr. William Stidger. Dr. Stidger once told of a lovely little 90-year-old lady named Mrs. Sampson. Mrs. Sampson was frail, feeble, and even sickly. But Dr. Stidger said that when he was discouraged he always went to visit Mrs. Sampson. She had a radiant spirit that was contagious. One day...
This is an illustration from James Merritt. It is a story that comes from Desert Storm. There was a colonel by the name of William Post. He was in charge of receiving all of the incoming supplies for the United States Ground Forces. Among these supplies were the tons of food that would come in every day. One day, Colonel Post received a message from The Pentagon requesting that he account for 40 cases of missing grape jelly...
This is an illustration from James Merritt. It is a story that comes from Desert Storm. There was a colonel by the name of William Post. He was in charge of receiving all of the incoming supplies for the United States Ground Forces. Among these supplies were the tons of food that would come in every day. One day, Colonel Post received a message from The Pentagon requesting that he account for 40 cases of missing grape jelly...
One of the characteristics and the genius of the Gospel writer is how succinctly he can be. In just a few short, twelve verses, Matthew indicates some dynamic changes in the people of today’s Gospel. Jesus calls for repentance, expects Peter and Andrew to drop their nets and follow him, and calls James and John to leave their Father Zebedee in the boat without so much as a “so on, see you later” And with some of our New Year’s resolutions already broken and gone, isn’t it...
Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany. Epiphany means manifestation, a showing or an appearance. Kings in the ancient world often showed themselves to their subjects at various times of the year. He often brought gifts or presents that he or his emissaries handed out to the crowds that came to greet and meet the king. In Matthew’s gospel...
There is a hymn in our St. Augustine Hymnal entitled, Patience, People. The refrain goes like this: Patience, people, till the Lord is come. The conclusion to each of the three (3) verses is this: Patience, people, for the Lord is coming. Both reflect the essence of our Advent season...