The Parish Staff met on Wednesday, June 30th. Here are the highlights of that meeting.
Bulletin: Msgr. Mike mentioned that his primary means of communication with the Parish is through the bulletin. He has been in contact with the publisher and our bulletin will increase in size. We will go to a 12 page bulletin. One page is the cover and 3 pages are advertising. He asked the staff to be aware of this increase for their particular responsibilities and upcoming parish events.
Day of Recollection: It was suggested the staff have a Day of Recollection since this has not been done in some time. Msgr. Mike is open to this being done. Date & Time to TBD.
Update on PPC & FC: Msgr. Mike has had one meeting with both of these groups at this time. The PPC ( Parish Pastoral Council) will meet again Monday, July12th. The issue of the formation of the PPC has been discussed. A member of the Pastoral Center of the Archdiocese, Magdalen Ross will join them as a observer and resource … He has met with Finance Council and will meet again with them on Wed. (30). A handout will be given to the FC about our first meeting. Once accepted by the FC , a copy will be given to the staff and eventually placed in the bulletin for dissemination to the parish as a whole. The next FC meeting is to go over the FY 2009-2010 and the budget for FY 2010-2011.
New Personnel: Msgr. Mike shared who the new personnel are that are coming on board July 6th. Our new receptionist is Ana Rosa Lane. The Position of Parish Secretary has been vacant for some time. That will be filled by Gloria Barretto. Our new Maintenance Personnel will be Joaquin Martinez. With the new personnel on board they may be some shuffling of duties.
Data Backups: It was suggested by Staff that an additional backup be set up. We only have one and a secondary one would help secure the information and data that we have accumulated. Craig and Eric will follow up on this. Perhaps talk to Russell who is our tech support person in regards to this. Perhaps something off-site might be looked into as a potential backup location.
Hours of Pastoral Offices: Msgr. Mike is looking into changing some of the hours of operation for the Parish Offices. In particular, he is looking at having offices remain open at the noon hour—12:30PM-1:30PM– as well as a consideration for Saturday AMhours.
Future Topics: The following are future topics for discussion and/or decision for the parish. They include: Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration, December 12th, 1PM Mass Only; Declaration of Nullity (Annulment) Workshop; Adult Confirmation; Senior Luncheon w/Mass and Anointing of the Sick, November 3rd, 11AM; Parish Lenten Mission, 2010, w/missionary speaking at all Masses the weekend of March 3-4 and Mission Time, March 5-7 (8). Usually include Sacrament of Penance with this.
Next meeting: August 4, 2010, Conference Room, 10-12 Noon w/ Lunch to follow.