Attendence: Msgr. Mike, Fr. Alex and the Deacon’s met on Wednesday June 30. Here are the highlights of that meeting.
Deacons’ Preaching Schedule: Dates and schedules were discussed. The Deacon’s will preach on the following dates: August 7-8, August 28-29, and September 4-5. Fr. Philip Kulathinapadickal-Thomas, a Mission Priest from India, will preach on the weekend of August 21-22 for the Missionary Cooperative Plan through the Archdiocese. Since Fr. Philip does not speak Spanish, we will need another Priest. Priests will still preach at the Spanish Mass. Msgr. Mike indicated that the next preaching for the deacons would have alternating weekends: One week the Priests and one week the Deacons.
Fr. Alex’s Vacation: He will be gone on vacation August 21-29th and November 8-21st.
Installation as Pastor: Msgr. Mike will be officially installed as Pastor of Holy Trinity by Msgr. Patrick Ragsdale, Dean of the North Central Urban Deanery. The date has yet to be determined.
Commissioning of Ministers of Communion: Deacon Chris indicated that twelve (12) new Ministers of Communion will be commissioned at the Spanish Mass on July 4th at 1:00pm.
Purification & Cleansing of Sacred Vessels: Msgr. Mike indicated that the purification of the sacred vessels will be done when the Liturgy is complete. This can be done by the Deacons and Priests. The cleansing of the sacred vessels– both ciboria and the communion cups – needs to be done weekly with hot water and non-scouring soap. It was indicated that communion cups need replacing, preferably with wide mouth cups.
Weddings: All weddings will be done by Msgr. Mike and Fr. Alex. Deacons’ are welcome to assist at rehearsals and ceremonies.
Annulments: Deacons will continue to handle annulments. Priests can also handle annulments.
St. Timothy - Sister Parish: Holy Trinity and St. Timothy will continue the twinning of the two Parishes. Msgr. Mike and the new Pastor of St. Timothy, Fr. Mike DeGerolami will meet to discuss possibilities of a pulpit exchange and invite one of their Spanish speaking Deacons to preach at our Spanish Mass.
Deacons’ Gestures and Duties: Msgr. Mike thanked the Deacons for their appropriate gestures and discussed their duties. The two primary duties of the Deacons’: Proclamation of the word of the Lord and Minister of the cup. At this time, we will keep the Sunday distribution of communion but at the daily Masses, the Deacon is to minister the cup.
Other Items: We are in need of more Greeters, Lectors—in order to have two (2) at each of the Sunday celebrations—and perhaps more collection baskets. Craig will look into these items.