God's peace with you all. I hope everyone had a great week last week. There were many great events in the lives of Holy Trinity Parishioners. Congratulations to all of Council 9967's and Assembly 3191's new Sir Knights. One Sir Knight in particular also rose up our prayers in song. Sir Knight Dan Duet led us in worship with new material, softening the hearts of me and my daughter particularly with "Yours Will Be". Brother Dan, keep telling your story, there's just One Name. And lastly, the Assembly escorted the Catholic Daughters of America officers for their installation at the 11:15 am Mass. Holy Trinity Knights, getting it done! If you were not at the meeting last Tuesday, you missed the address by our Founding Knight, Sir Knight Ben Paoletta. His address to the Council was an as profound a statement on faithfulness and trusting in God that I heard in all my years. Dare I say that his example of courage to embrace his battle with such temperance is one of heroic virtue. Also, because he loves the Knights so much he donated his regalia to the Council. The evening was certainly blessed because of his presence and we are so thankful to have been his audience. I find that the intercessions of St. Therese Lisieux to be quite powerful. For the intentions of Sir Knight Ben and his Lady Vivian, we all say, St. Therese Lisieux, the Little Flower, pray for Ben?The Budget for 2014 - 2015 was voted on and approved at the meeting, and its final version is attached. To clarify, all proceeds from the Scholarship Dance will be disbursed and the amount to be disbursed subject to its result?Regarding the Scholarship Dance, Brother Richard Alvarado ([email protected]) is seeking help for the next Scholarship Dance. He needs a person to be in charge of Beverages at the least. if you would like to help out in any way, please reach out to him directly. I believe he is expecting to have Committee Meetings the 13th of every month from now until the date of the dance?I want to congratulate the following for being presented the Superlatives this month.
1.) Knight of the Month was awarded to new Knight and new Sir Knight Tony Miller. Some people jump into the Knights
with both feet, some like to dip their toes in to test it out. Brother Tony did a quadruple somersault BASE jump. He hasn't
messed around, rolling up his sleeves right away. And he most recently has become a Sir Knight of the 4th Degree.
2.) Family of the Month was awarded to Brother Lane Bishop, and to his wife Jennifer and son Landon for the involvement
on the recent Teen ACTS Retreat. There is nothing greater than to be able to serve in ministry with your spouse and
your children. It was a pure walk of faith, Lane. Congratulations.
At the meeting, Brother Dave McCrossen was formally elected as the Council's next Treasurer to replace our Past Treasurer David Kiolbassa. We are indebted to the support and service that Brother David has contributed this past year. Now that he is no longer Treasurer, we are excited to think what this will mean for our Chicken BBQ's! Our audit was completed this past weekend and we will talk more about that our September meeting.
Upcoming Events
1. Chicken BBQ Aug 16th / 17th. Speaking of, this will be lead by our Worthy Smokey Bro David Kiolbassa
([email protected]). To help us ensure we have proper coverage, please refer to this sign up sheet. As a reminder,
if all you can provide is an hour, a great hour to give would be the hour after Life Teen Mass.
2. Major Degree. Sunday Aug 17th at Council 4140. If you're a First Degree and wish to progress in the Order, please
let me know, responding to this email.
3. Taco Sunday. Sunday, Aug 24th.
I pray that you all have wonderful weeks and a great month. If it's been a while for you to show up at an event, come on out. It would be great to see you!