The following are highlights from the October 10, 2012 Liturgy Committee meeting. Present: Msgr. Mike Yarbrough, Fred Bueche, Deacon David Seguin, Judy Breckenridge, Kevin Albrecht, Cindie Albrecht, Connor Kabes, Bernice Friesenhahn, Larry Friesenhahn, Jamie Briseno, Deacon Chris Laskowski, Tony Salcedo, Rick Stockstill, Ashely Orr, Rafael Moras, Kelly Lepeska, Darnell Waun, Bryant Drury, Ryan Demmer, Lucy Tavira Excused: Fr. Martin Garcia, Sheila Morse, Veronica Santillan, Carolin DeNisio, Deacon Guy LoTurco, Brenda Franckowiak, Adam Hockley, Opening Prayer: Msgr. Mike led the Committee in an opening prayer. Agenda: Lucy handed out the agenda for the Liturgy Committee meeting. Introductions: Since this was Lucy’s first meeting with the LC, each member introduced themselves and what their role and responsibility are in relation to the Liturgy. Some of the music ministers and she had met earlier to deal with some of the music assignments. Issues from the Committee: Some issues were presented at the beginning of the meeting. Have phonetic pronunciations: Sometimes the names for the Mass Intention are difficult to pronounce. Have a phonetic pronunciation in parentheses to help with this. Advent Candles: Request made for additional candles for 2013 be purchased. Glory & Praise Songbooks: Question was raised as to what happened with these books. Calendar for Advent & Christmas: The calendar for the rest of 2012 was handed out to each of the LC members. Assignments for the musicians were made as
well. Various questions were asked for particular liturgical celebrations. Some of these included the following celebrations: All Saints’ Day: This year it is an obligatory Holyday of Obligation. We will have the Vigil mass on October 31st at 7PM and then we have three (3) celebrations on November 1st at 6:30AM, 12:05PM and 7PM. Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’): There will be three (3) liturgies here at the parish on that day: 8:30AM, 12:05PM and 7PM. The evening celebration at 7PM will include the commemoration of those who have died within the past year. Pictures will need to be placed on a table as per last year’s celebration. Names also need to be given prior to the celebration. Veronica will coordinate these. Kevin and Cindie will make sure that the required Arts & Environment are set up. Senior Luncheon: All of this is done in the Banquet Hall. Mass includes the Anointing of the Sick as well. It takes place on Wednesday, November 14th, at 11:15AM. Thanksgiving Mass: There will be only one celebration. This will take place on Wednesday, November 21st at 7PM. Tables will be set up for the bread and wine to be served at one’s Thanksgiving table be blessed after the Communion Prayer. Msgr. Mike and Fr Martin will con-celebrate this Mass. First Penance: This takes place on Saturday, December 1st, 10AM. Advent Penitential Service: This is scheduled for Wednesday, December 5th at 7PM. We will have 15-18 priests to help. Veronica will contact them. Advent Season: This begins with the First Sunday of Advent, December 2nd. This will be the first anniversary of the 3rd Roman Missal that we have been using since the language changes began. Suggestions were made to have a common Psalm Response. Fred will follow up on this. Kevin and Cindie stated that there will be new banners hung. The common Memorial Acclamation will be taught, “Save Us, Savior”. There has been some “stepping on toes” between the Art & Environment Committee and the Altar Guild. They are working out the details. New altar server albs have also been purchased for those who are taller. Immaculate Conception: Again, this is one of the two Holydays that are always such. The other is Christmas. We have two (2) celebrations for this. One is on December 7th at 7PM and the other is Saturday morning at 8:30AM. These will be the only celebrations for the Solemnity. Saturday evening will be the 2nd Sunday of Advent celebration. Spanish Play: The Spanish Choir is putting on a play in Spanish twice during this time. It will be held in the Banquet Hall. One night is December 7th at 7PM and the other is Sunday, December 9th at 7PM. More information as we draw closer to these dates. Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration: This will take place on Wednesday, December 12th. The liturgy itself begins at 7PM. There may be additional elements of celebration prior to the Mass. This will be done bilingually. Veronica will have a liturgical aid for this celebration as well to help with the two languages. Msgr Mike and Fr. Martin will concelebrate this Mass as well. Christmas Season: Art & Environment will put up the Christmas crèche on December 24th, prior to the fist mass. Christmas has several additional Liturgies scheduled. They include:
December 24th, Children’s Pageant / Liturgy, 4PM December 24th, Christmas Mass, 7PM
December 25th, Mass at Midnight December 25th, 9:30AM (English); 11:15AM (English) and 1PM (Spanish) New Year’s Masses: The vigil Mass will be celebrated on Monday, December 31st at 7PM. There will be two (2) Masses on January 1st: 10AM (English) and 1PM (Spanish) Hymnal Supplement: This is coming in this week. It will be added to the Hymnal. These are additional English songs that the music ministers wanted to keep but were not in the hymnal itself. We have the various licenses that are required to do this. Other Liturgical Items: There were some additional items also discussed: Ministers of Communion: The latest group will be commissioned on the weekend of October 13-14th. Ministry Schedule Suggestion: Rick Stockstill suggested a comprehensive ministry schedule could be instituted. After explaining what this included, Msgr. Mike suggested that only the Ministers of Communion should be scheduled this way. That way, we can evaluate it to see if other Liturgical Ministers should be scheduled in a similar way. Deacon Chris has all the information for this. Choir Receiving Communion: Discussion ensued in regards to the choir members receiving. Liturgically, the music ministers are to begin playing after the celebrant has received. Logistically, this is difficult to do with them assisting with music when communion is distributed. Request was to have a Minister of Communion give to the choir immediately. Msgr. Mike explained that the value of unity helps the Ministers begin all at the same time. The current practice will remain for the time being. He also explained that when you attend different celebrations – Daily Mass, Funeral, Wedding and then the Sunday Liturgy – all these a person can receive multiple times. Celebrants and deacons do this as well already, even when it is the same liturgical celebration. Respecting the Hosts: Ministers of Communion need to be cognizant of the communicant consuming the host no more than one or two steps away from the reception. If that is not done, the Minister is to stop giving communion and remind that particular communicant his or her need to consume immediately. Some hosts have been found apparently in the parking lot. Msgr, Mike instructed the LC on how to handle this situation with care and respect. Ushers at Mass: We will continue NOT to use ushers, but rely on our Greeters. Updates from Msgr. Mike: These were reminders to the LC and our Music Ministers:
Use three (3) verses for the Gathering Song / Chant.
Remember to pause after the 1st and 2nd Readings for about 45 seconds. Silence for reflection is part of the Roman Missal expectation. This is to be done as well after the Penitential Act, the Homily and after the Communion Prayer, if not done prior to this being prayed.
There is some confusion on how to echo the Gospel Acclamation. Needs clarifying.
Music Ministers need to also focus on what is happening at the Liturgy. For example, when the Gospel is being read by the deacon, all should be focused on listening to the reading.
Microphones are sometimes too loud. Assembly needs to hear one another singing as well and not just the Leader of Song. Please lower the volume. Closing Prayer: Msgr. Mike first thanked the LC for its commitment and liturgical investment into our celebrations. He accented that each of the six (6) Masses are unique unto themselves. He then led the LC in a closing prayer. Next Meeting: TBD