These are highlights from the December 3, 2012 meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council.
Present: Msgr. Mike Yarbrough, Fr. Martín Garcia, Craig Koett (Parish Administrator), Jan Owen, Yolanda Delgado, Lorenia Aguirre, John Shea, Luis Jimenez, Brad Wakely, Lourdes Carrera, Cary Collins, Tony Goei, Excused: Luis Lane, Martha Rodriguez, Dorothy Morris Gathering Prayer: Cary opened the PPC meeting with a prayer. Minutes: Due to Secretary’s absence, November minutes postponed until January 2013 meeting. PPC Election Process: These will be sent out to all PPC members for the January meeting as well. PPC Members’ Roles and Responsibilities: Again, these will be sent out to all PPC members for the January 2013 meeting. Our Secretary, Dorothy, will obtain the ministries’ list. Jan and Fr. Martin will design a form to follow up with the various ministries of the parish. Formal Mission Statement: The PPC members have various scripture passages to begin the process. Outline on how to create and formulate a Mission Statement has already been sent out to the PPC members via Jan…An Ad Hoc Committee of PPC members was established to offer a first draft of the proposed Mission Statement. This draft is to be ready by the February 2013 meeting. Committee members include: Tony, Luis J and Lorenia. Lumen Gentium Award: Discussion took place among the PPC members as to which parishioner should be honored with this year’s award. The consensus was Bernie DeNisio. Msgr. Mike contacted Bernie and he accepted the nomination. It will take place on January 31, 2013 at St. Dominic Catholic Church at 7PM. New Parish Administrator: We have five (5) candidates for this position at Holy Trinity. After ten and one-half years, Craig Koett, our current Parish Administrator, is retiring. Candidates were three (3) parishioners and two (2) non-parishioners. [Since this meeting, Deacon Oscar Perez has been hired to fill this position. Also, George Weynand has been hired part time to assist the Facilities Manager in his duties. We welcome both of them in January. Both are parishioners.] Ministry Evaluation Form: Fr. Martin offered, in conjunction with Jan, a proposed form to help the PPC evaluate and assess the various ministries in the parish. PPC members could be designated as liaisons to each individual ministry. Reporting to the PPC would be done either annually or bi-annually. One suggestion was for the members of each ministry to evaluate their ministry along with the head of that ministry. The results would be given to the PPC liaison for that particular ministry. Process is still in flux and can still be adapted in a new format. Timeframe was suggested for March. The initial evaluation would be handed out to each ministry at that time. These would be returned to the PPC liaison no later than the end of May. Facilities Manager Update: An additional part time person has been hired – in January – to help assist the Facilities Manager. Details of what responsibilities are to be determined in a joint meeting with the Parish Administrator, the Facilities Manager and the new hire. Also, Craig will create an evaluation tool of the Facilities Manager service. Msgr. Mike will be part of the process as well. Closing Prayer: Lourdes led the PPC in a closing prayer. Next Meeting: Monday, January 7that 6PM. Note the time change for this meeting. Gathering Prayer for January 2013: Brad Closing Prayer for January 2013: Craig