These are highlights from the January 7, 2013 meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council Present: Msgr. Mike Yarbrough, Craig Koett (Parish Administrator), Jan Owen, Yolanda Delgado, Dorothy Morris, Tony Goei, Lorenia Aguirre, John Shea, Luis Jimenez, Martha Rodriguez, Brad Wakely, Luis Lane, Lourdes Correa, Excused: Fr. Martín Garcia, Cary Collins, Opening Prayer: Brad Approval of December PPC Minutes: PPC approved these. PPC Election Process: Dorothy walked the PPC through this process. Various addendums were altered or adapted. Some items were accepted as is. PPC approved the basic changes in the bylaws. The nomination form for prospective PPC members was approved with changes. This will be in the bulletin as well as on the website. A proposed bulletin blurb was shared with the PPC. Ministry Evaluation Process: A list of parish ministries was handed out to all PPC members. This is being done in conjunction with Jan and Fr. Martin. The basic idea is to have each PPC member to be a liaison to the various ministries, reporting periodically back to the PPC on the ministry itself. A form for this reporting was shared. More clarification needs to be done. The suggestion was to wait on the actual assignments until the newest members of the PPC are selected by the parish community as a whole. This takes place in May 2013. Moratorium on New Ministries: Due to the increased demand on the facilities, the PPC approved a moratorium on new ministries at this time. We have had an increase in them these past months. The timeline is to wait until the new PPC members come on board. Jan is to be sent any corrections or additions to the listing that was handed out. She also is to be sent what particular choices of ministry liaison you would like to have. Mission Statement: The committee will have this ready at the February meeting of the PPC. There was some additional discussion on the integration process of the parish. Msgr. Mike felt that it was proceeding as expected. His sense of integration is not just combining into an integral whole or an act of integrating one group with another; a unification. Integration can also mean opening up one group to welcome another divergent group and to include other activities, ministries or opportunities that reflect the diversity of the parish community. He believes that this has been done and is being done. Additional Property Purchase Potential: Msgr. Mike and Craig will be meeting with George Vaughn on this. He was the architect for the most recent build in the parish. Deacon Oscar will be included in this process as the new Parish Administrator. The suggestion was to utilize Bob Crittenden if he is available, as potential manager of the project. [Since the PPC meeting, Msgr. Mike, Craig and Oscar met with Ron Heller who represents the owners of the property across Autumn Knoll. The cost is approximately $2M for the entire three (3) lots. Msgr. Mike suggested a donation to the parish for tax purposes. The information came back from Ron Heller that the sellers of the three (3) lots have indicated that they have no advantage from a tax perspective to donate part of the proceeds of a sale to the Church. Any offer would have to be based on a purchase price. However owner of lot 10 (corner lot nearest to Church) could enter into a ground lease. At this time, a letter is also being drafted to the Archdiocese that HT is interested in these purchases. All of this is in process; no decisions have been made.] Parish Assessment: This was a suggestion to evaluate the setup of our parish and its administration. Craig has looked into on source but their work would not cover what we needed. He needs to find another source. Twining With Another Parish: The PPC suggestion was to consider twinning with another parish outside the US. This will be taken to the Social Concerns committee as their next meeting in January 2013. Electronic Scheduling System: We currently have Logos as our scheduling system. This is the mandated system for the financials in the parish from the Archdiocese. George Weynand, the new assistance for the Facilities Manager, will be asked to assess what we have and whether any change needs to be done. Do we need a newer version? Do we need a different package or system? Thank You to Craig: PPC offered a collective blessing over Craig for his years of service to Holy
Trinity as our Closing Prayer. He began May 1, 2002 and concludes on January 31, 2013. A gathering will take place in appreciation for his ministry with us. Next Meeting: February 4, 2013, 7PM, Conference Room Opening Prayer: John Closing Prayer: Deacon Oscar