The following are highlights from the Staff Meeting held on August 4, 2010.
Debbie: We have had a busy summer. We had the following trips: 48 Teens went to Alexandria LA., 10 Teens went to a Leadership Workshop at St. Benedict’s College in Atchison, KA., 30 Teens attended the ACTS retreat. 25 MS students and 30 HS students went to a summer camp in GA, accenting the topic, ?Behold the Mystery?. 4 Teens did a Mission Trip to the Westside of SAT. Some of our HS Juniors and Seniors are holding a 30-hour fast for hunger. They are raising money for this to be donated to Catholic Relief Services. There is the Inspiration Tour scheduled for August 14th at 10AM at Fiesta TX. It is Catholic Youth Day. They will have Mass at 2PM, celebrated by Fr. Tony Cummins. Included will be Praise & Worship, along with the closing of the day with Adoration. There will be about 1K Teens throughout the Archdiocese attending.
Cecilia: She handed out Employee Leave Request Form for each employee. Craig and she are compiling the vacation days and sick leave days. She handed out the Sales Tax Exempt Form for church purchases. Several vendors – Office Max, Office Depot and Lowe’s have us on file already. The church has a tax exempt number and form available from her office. She handed out a Chart of Accounts for billing purposes to code receipts. The Fiscal Year 2009-2010 report has been in the bulletin and is on the website. Looking into online donations via Parish Pay as well as Heartland Payment System. No response from them at this time. ACH is provided through both.
John: Work for Joaquin – our newest maintenance personnel – needs to be cleared through John first…KC/Scouts Spaghetti Dinner is scheduled for September 25-26th…The KC BBQ as a fund raiser for Catholic Radio will take place on October 23-24th. There will be no Arts & Crafts or Ministry Fair this year, as the recommendation came from the PPC…For the rest of 2010, all Saturdays are booked. Cost of renting the Banquet Hall is $2300 for non-parishioners and $1500 for parishioners. Included in the price is the use of the hall, setup and cleaning. Security is a separate cost that is borne by the renter.
Kristin: We will begin religious education registration in August. The upgraded packets will be ready by August 14-15th weekend. Registration begins August 19th and is ongoing. Payment can be made at the Faith Formation Building during normal hours, 8:30AM-5PM, M-F…Catechetical Sunday is September 19th. There will be a blessing and recognition of our catechists for the coming year. We need for more catechists for this coming year. We currently have 36 and we need 68. These are needed from Pre-K through HS…She handed out the calendar for Religious Ed as well…Msgr. Mike will handle getting priests for Penance.
Craig: Introduced our three (3) newest Staff members. A round of applause was given to our newest members – Gloria, Ana Rosa and Joaquin…With the support of the PPC, the Sunday Mass change will take place at the 11AM Mass. Beginning with the first Sunday in September – September 5th – the mass time will be 15 minutes later or 11:15AM. This provides 45 minutes between two heavily at-tended Masses instead of only 30. It helps with the access and egress on the parking lot…We have been getting 2-3 per week requests for assistance. There is a form that needs to be filled out with this request…New Parish Office hours are now 8:30-5PM, M-F. There is also some consideration for evening hours and Saturday morning for the future…We also offer a great big ?thank you’ to Emily Cole who has helped at the parish this summer. She will be returning to college in Missouri the middle of August. Thank you, Emily!
Sherry: Weddings are charged a $150 deposit initially for the use of the Church. This ensures the date and time are booked. Three (3) months prior to the wedding, the usage fee for the Church is $450. This cost is for parishioners. Non-parishioners pay $750...Adult Faith Formation registration will take place the same time as Religious Ed does – August 19th. This will take place in the FF Library on August 19-20th, from 8:30AM-5PM. The offerings for the Fall Semester include: Endow; Catholic Scripture Study – Exodus; Bible Time Line; Theology of the Body; Introduction to Catholicism; Divine Mercy Cenacle and Spanish Divine Mercy (Fridays)…RCIA will begin in mid-September. This will be for both Adults and children of catechetical age who have not been baptized or who are coming into the Church from a recognized Christian baptism. Currently there are twenty (20) adults and eight (8) children. The classes meet on Thursday evenings, 7PM-9PM in the Parish Offices Building. The Rite of Welcome takes place on November 11th at the 9:30AM Mass. A first time meeting will be set up soon…We have set up a deal with ?Last Straw? florists for bouquets. For the church the cost for both would be $200 and individually they would be $85 for a small one and $135 for a large one. They are offering as well a 10% discount for other parish events…We currently do not have an Adult Confirmation Class here at Holy Trinity. These candidates go either to Holy Spirit or St. Mark. Msgr. Mike will be looking at having this take place as well at Holy Trinity.
Msgr. Mike: He offered the following comments to the Staff . We will be celebrating the July & August Staff birthdays soon. Fr. Alex, Craig and he will be meeting with Fr. Mike DeGerolami next week. He is the pastor of our sister church, St. Timothy. Is there a need for a Cancer Support Group in the parish? ?This Man Is You? is a program for men. St. Brigid’s is inviting 2-4 men from the parish to ?shadow? them as they begin their program. The ?shadowing? is to see if Holy Trinity would like to utilize this program. The KC’s are being asked to consider this. Guidebook is being revamped soon. Marriage Guidelines also need to be revamped. The parish bought a table for the Assumption Seminary Gala honoring Fr. Larry Christian. We have two (2) slots still available. This will take place on August 17th, at the Omni Hotel at the Colonnade, 6:30PM. A Welcome Dinner & Gathering for new parishioners and their families will be scheduled soon, probably in September. Several Staff Members and representatives from a 2-3 parish organizations, groups or ministries will also be asked to join this particular evening Fr. Alex and he met with the Adoration Committee recently. Highlights will be in future bulletin. The decision was to accent Eucharistic Adoration to the parish as a whole on the weekend of Octo-ber 2-3, 2010. The celebrant will accent Eucharistic Adoration in his homily. Future
Possibilities: Expansion of Consolation (Bereavement Ministry), Ministry Appreciation Dinner, Ministry Fair revamped, New Parishioner Dinner, Young Adult Ministry. The Annulment Workshop will be held in the BH on Monday, October 11, from 7-8:30PM.
Closing Prayer: Fr. Alex led the meeting in a closing prayer. Next Meeting: September 8, 2010,10-12Noon, KC Room