These are minutes from the May 5, 2011 committee meeting.
Present:Darnell Waun, Shelia Morse, Phil and Linda Clark, Bernie and Carolin Denisio, Eric Dietel and JJ Hansbrough
Excused:Mike Cleary, Sherry Drury and Kristin Casas
Opening Prayer:The meeting began at 7PM in the home of Darnell Waun. Shelia Morse led the committee in an opening prayer. It included a recording of a new Gloriafrom one of the new Mass settings.
Agenda:The following agenda items were discussed: Review of Minutes of April 12, 2011 Meeting, Review of Goals and Objectives for Implementation; Report from Faith Formation; Website Update, Report from Music Ministry; Report from Life Teen and Parish Action Plan development.
Review of Minutes: The minutes from the April 12, 2011 meeting were approved with the change that Mike Cleary was not able to attend and he was listed as both present and absent.
Review of Goals and Objectives for Implementation: As a focus for committee discussion, the previously approved goals and objectives for implementation were reviewed.
Report from Faith Formation: Eric Dietel presented a comprehensive schedule for the Faith Formation implementation of the new translation during the Fall semester. A schedule that aligns topics from the student resource entitled: What’s New About the Mass? by Maureen A. Kelly from Liturgy Training Publications to the adult text entitled: Understanding the Revised Mass Texts, Second Editionby Paul Turner was presented. The sessions will begin on the week of September 12, 2011 and go through the time of implementation which is November 27, 2011. Parents will be introduced to their role in, and resources for, assisting their student through this process at the first session during the week of September 12, 2011. Catechists will receive training during their in-service day tentatively scheduled for the week before class start.
Website Update: The committee recommended Holy Trinity website updates to include the approved Goals and Objectives, committee membership, and addition of minutes from this committee. The Holy Trinity website has a comprehensive link to information on implementation of the New Roman Missal at Eric will make these changes when approved by the parish staff.
Report from Music Ministry: Shelia Morse reported on the progress of Music Ministry in selecting new Mass settings based on the new translation. A Mass setting is the parts of the Mass that are sung by the congregation such as the Gloria, Holy, Memorial Acclamation, etc. Shelia and Darnell will be attending the National Association of Pastoral Musicians convention in Louisville, KY on July 18-22, 2011 to hear the latest recommendations and will bring this back to Holy Trinity to develop a final decision. They are also attending a reading session and clinic presented to Archdiocese of San Antonio music ministers by Oregon Catholic Press on May 28, 2011at St. Anthony de Padua parish here in San Antonio to listen to that publisher’s new and revised Mass settings.
Life Teen Update: Phil and Linda Clark presented an update on the Life Teen resources for implementation that are being rolled out in 2011 including teen-focused information on www.catholicyouthministry.comand resources being distributed in the Life Support boxes in May and September. A handout written by Lisa Garcia, Life Teen Resource Director, was shared with the committee. In that handout she states: “Words and prayers and responses might change, but God does not change. Our goal in Life Teen is to lead teens closer to that unchanging God.”
Parish Action Plan: The action plan is continuing to be developed for release in July 2011.The implementation road map was reviewed and the committee is meeting or exceeding the key deadlines. The committee attempting to develop a plan that addresses the myriad parishioner needs from familiarization to in-depth study. The next meeting will focus on continued development of specific action plan items including budget requirements.
Closing Prayer:Eric Dietel closed the meeting with a prayer.