We continue with our gospel reading from John 6. Recall last week’s gospel. He has fed the 5,000 and He has walked on water. Jesus begins to withdraw to the east side of the Sea of Galilee. The press of the crowds had become all consuming. He needs some solitude to prepare Himself for what lay ahead. Though He tried to escape from the crowd, they find Him in Capernaum. Jesus confronts them with some strong words of what prompts their following Him. Perhaps in our language of today, Jesus assesses that they are looking for instant gratification. They want more of the same. But Jesus emphasizes that what they seek is transitory and not long lasting. He encourages them to seek that what is long lasting. They seem open to it yet require proof, much like their ancestors sought similar confirmation. And so in clear and unequivocal language Jesus tells them that He is the bread of life on which anyone can depend and find life eternal. No more hunger. No more thirst. Those who believe in Jesus will experience this. Now, for us who are some 2,000 years plus removed from the historical Jesus, this seems pretty evident and obvious. But it was a radical belief that Jesus was proposing. Historically we come to know more and more about Jesus and His being the Son of God. On the ears of the disciples and followers of Jesus time and day this comes as startling news! But to think that we are no different than they were is giving us more credit than sometimes is true. How often have we as the modern day disciples questioned what Jesus has taught? How readily do we respond with an act of faith without question? We still long for and look for signs and proof that what we believe is authentic and real. Faith and growing in belief requires an ongoing commitment to walk in faith – even without some of the surety that we seek