Impressions, Meeting 5/28/15. Cancer Support Group.
As we started the meeting the cell phone rang. Had just finished the opening prayer, but someone was missing. Didn't know who it was, but he/she had called earlier in the week asking about the meeting saying that he/she would come. The screen identified a city in another state, the same city as the call earlier in the week. Seldom, if ever, does a first time caller identify him/herself. So, leaving the meeting, taking the call, describing how to find our conference room. Ten minutes later, wahlah. And its a good thing. He/She needed support and made our day. Again and again we all witnessed the strength of character, the faith and the power of the Holy Spirit. Not just in this 'new person' to the group, but in others talking about their efforts, 'struggles' if I may use that term, that hope brings to each one's journey. A lot of things transpired during the meeting. A couple, first timers at this meeting, trying to face an uncertain future. Exploring every avenue to slow the spread of cancers. Even trying experimental treatments. Living with some success and some disappointments. Please pray for everyone with cancer, for everyone on the parish's prayer list. Your prayers help. Pray with confidence that God is listening. He is. He promised. And pray for the caregivers. Like one cancer patient said last night, "I have cancer, but as a caregiver, it was harder..." Pay attention to the caregivers too. Support them too. Trust that patients will not and do not begrudge any support that you provide to their loved one, their caregiver.
Recent liturgical services have emphasized each person's evangelical role as Catholics, Christians. Everyone who has attended recent meetings understood the message and how to live that calling. The Parish banner at the
Paint the town Purple and the
Relay For Life events said it all. In the biggest, boldest letting of any banner at either event, "HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC PARISH, CANCER SUPPORT GROUP" was front and center. Deacon Mike Cleary gave an inspiring prayer to kick off this year's Relay for Life. We ended the event with donations of $8,160.10, a total of $14,590.10 for 2014+2015. Your generosity will save lives as research finds cures for cancer. We'll line up prayer shawls for newcomers; thanks to Carol Short for her caring ministry.
And so much more at this meeting. Please come if you need support. Its 'self-help' so it can't be a wasted evening. You set the agenda for you. That's how it works. A newcomer said it was 'neat' how it worked. She smiled with tears in her eyes. A good thing.
So many of us are friends now. It was meant to be. Wonderful support for each other.
A personal note: we get tired of 'cancer'. Talking about it, living it, hearing about it. Saying this seems selfish, knowing what we do about so many parishioners dealing with cancer at so many levels. Your prayers and concern get us through so much that we can't handle. We thank you for that. God bless you. People who believe and belong -- The Kingdom of God is where you are.
Questions, comments? Jim and Jan Ermis 616-1129 or 497-8613. E-mail:
[email protected]