We have complimentary stories in our First and Gospel Readings for this weekend. The common thread is the wind. Though the flow of air is the same the effects are different. In fact, the wind itself is different in both accounts. In the First Reading, there is a lot of calamity and loud noises that Elijah has to endure before the wind – which is a tiny whispering sound comes to Elijah’s attention. It is this small and almost soundless wind that he recognizes as the presence of the Lord. In our Gospel, Pete and all the disciples are on the boat. The boat, a few miles offshore, is being tossed about by the waves. The wind is against it. They are terrified. Not only because of the wind but because they see Jesus walking on the water. He encourages them not to be afraid. If this is so, Peter, ever the boastful one and an apostle who speaks before he thinks, asks Jesus to command him to come to Him on the water. And Jesus does so. But it is the wind that draws Peter’s attention. Peter recognizes the wind was very strong. The wind diverts his focus on responding to Jesus’ command. The wind in both readings can attract us to our God or detract us from our God. What else might detract you from Jesus? Ambition? Greed? Addiction? Helplessness? Busyness? Focus on other things? What else might you identify as a distraction from being attentive to Jesus’ call for your life? How do you let your courage and faith lead you away from the distractions to the attention that needs to be paid to Jesus?