The following are highlights from the September 10, 2012 PPC meeting.
Present: Msgr. Mike Yarbrough, Craig Koett (Parish Administrator), Jan Owen, Yolanda Delgado, Dorothy Morris, Tony Goei, Lorenia Aguirre, John Shea, Luis Jimenez, Martha Rodriguez, Cary Collins, Brad Wakely, Luis Lane. Excused: Fr. Martín Garcia, Lourdes Carrera, Guests: Estela Andonie, for the Apostleship of the Cross; Youth Group represented by Danielle L. Santiago, Mason Anthony Ortiz, Andrew DiFilippo Opening Prayer: Tony opened the PPC meeting with a prayer. Minutes: The August 2012 Minutes of the PPC meetings were approved with spelling corrections. Youth Request: Three of the Life Teen/Youth Ministry came before the PPC with a request. Their names are listed above. They spoke glowingly about Tyler Peltier and his influence on their individual and collective lives. Their request was to rename the Faith Formation Gathering Area as the Tyler Peltier Gathering Area. PPC thanked them for the suggestion. PPC made the recommendation that Tyler’s parents should be notified of this request. Msgr. Mike will take care of that. The PPC recommended that the renaming take place. A short dedication ceremony will be celebrated after one of the 5:30PM Masses. The date is to be determined. Apostleship of the Cross: Estela Andonie made a presentation to the PPC to seek the support of HT parish for this ministry. The Apostleship of the Cross is open to all Catholics who seek to: have a personal experience of God; be part of a community in search of spiritual growth; live and promote the Reign of the Holy Spirit; and be an active part of the Church, with specific emphasis on its priests and priestly vocations. Discussion took place, including concerns about space available at the parish. Three (3) handouts were shared with the PPC. Again, the PPC supported this new ministry. Craig will follow up with Estela and John Dulske on room availability. Ministry Fair Assessment: The general consensus of the PPC was it was a successful event for the parish and the various ministries that participated. Some comments were: Helped with increasing recruitments, it was good to hand out the Pictorial Directory at the same time, some ministries were not present. Concerns were the shortness of the time to put it together and the next one should have a planning session prior to the actual Ministry Fair. Overall, the assessment was positive and affirming. …Suggestion was to consider having it twice a year – February/March and August. It might be helpful to include registration for Faith Formation and Adult Education at the same time, if possible…The Spanish Ministries needed to be included in the bulletin with their particular contact person. 2012 Council Elections: The subcommittee handed out a draft of their recommendations for the next election process. Msgr. Mike suggested postponing any dialogue on this until the October PPC meeting. PPC agreed. Update on Previous Parishioner Concerns: Msgr. Mike mentioned that they are being addressed, some faster than others. Additional Property Needs: Msgr. Mike handed out information on property near our present parish location. Lorenia helped put the handout together. This was for informational purposes only. Another parcel of land is being looked at and she will give a report on that at the October meeting of the PPC. Goal Setting 2012: Some of the PPC members handed in their suggestions for one or two goals that the PPC would like to accomplish this year. Msgr. Mike will collate them and send them out to the PPC for their perusal. At the October meeting, these will be further discussed and decided upon. Msgr. Mike: He accented several items for the PPC:
Parish Secretary will follow up a second time to remind the heads of the various ministries about contacting those who recently attended the Ministry Fair with the intention of being a part of that particular parish ministry.
Deacon Candidate: Request was made by a parishioner for support from the PPC on his application to the Diaconate Program. Msgr. Mike read his letter to the PPC members. PPC agreed to his request. Jan, as Chair, will write a letter to the AB Gustavo with this recommendation and support. Msgr. Mike, as Pastor, also sends a recommendation letter.
Due to the Annual Priests’ Convocation, the November meeting will move from November 5 to November 12th. Parish Mission: Msgr. Mike shared with the PPC that we have scheduled a Parish Mission with Msgr. Michael Boulette. He is the pastor of Notre Dame, Kerrville TX as well as the head of St. Peter Upon the Water, a spiritual direction process set up by the Archdiocese. Msgr. Boulette will be celebrating ALL the Masses the weekend of March 16-17, 2013. He will then offer the Parish Mission the evenings of March 18-20th. Closing Prayer: Msgr. Mike led the PPC in a closing prayer. October Opening Prayer Leader: October Closing Prayer Leader: