The following are highlights from the Staff Meeting held on February 9th.
Present: Msgr. Mike Yarbrough, Fr. Alex Pereida, Doug Stolo, Eric Dietel, Kristin Casas, Joaquin B. Martinez, Ana Rosa Lane, Rosa Becnel, Lizzette Kranz, Gloria Barretto, John Dulske, Craig Koett, Debbie Gray, Sherry Drury, ZZ Mylar, Martha Sandoval, Excused: Cecilia Greene,
Opening Prayer: Msgr. Mike led the Staff in an opening prayer.
Staff: As a follow up to our Day of Recollection with Sr. Frances Briseno, OSB, which was held on January 19th, the Staff saw the various values that it felt important to model and to live out in our collective ministry. Having heard our collective responses, the ?\value terms. were condensed to following as a priority: Welcoming (10); Compassion (7); Respect (4); Evangelical (3); Communications (2); Positivity, Humility, Community and Trust (2); and Acceptance, Service, Team Mindset, Professional, Honesty, Competent, Character, Selflessness and Non-defensive (1). When Staff was asked to name their top value, it came out: Compassion (3), Welcoming (2) and Community, Positivity, Communications and Ministry Oriented (1). The example we were working on was the following: Holy Trinity Catholic Church strives to provide a welcoming and compassionate community through effective communication and inspiration in an effort to become a place where people can believe and belong. Holy Trinity Catholic Church: Believe and Belong Our parish values: A welcoming attitude, Compassion for all; Inspiration, Effective Communications and Measurable Results. A dialogue ensued amongst the Staff members. Some of the comments were:
Ministry ought to be first; all others come from that.
\Ministry. should replace Inspiration..
We need to include \Jesus Christ. somewhere in our example.
We are to be a Christ-oriented ministry.
How do we measure what we are doing?
Are we paying attention to people?
It is easier to quantify. than to identify quality of our ministry.
Perhaps to have this on the website or a survey to see how we are ministering. to our people.
Faith Formation has a possible form for Staff adaptation.
Some additional changes accented claiming our example as Staff.
Include hospitality along with welcoming in our example.
It is a consistent effort of "to be." and "to become". With some of the comments added from above, the potential "working" document would be: We, the Staff members of Holy Trinity Catholic Church, strive to provide a welcoming, hospitable and compassionate Christ-centered community through effective communication and ministry in an effort to be and to become a place where people can believe and belong. This will be taken up again at the next Staff meeting in March.
Craig: He handed out an Organizational Chart for the Staff. Discussion ensued. He reminded the Staff that we work "with each other" and not "for someone." Unity in the Staff members is important. ZZ will upgrade the chart for the next meeting; she will use landscape rather than portraitc He also accented that part of his role as Pastoral Administrator is to do annual reviews. They will last about 15-30 minutes each. He will start February 14th and conclude by March 11th ZZ will be moving to her own office as well Staff suggested that they evaluate the priests and the pastoral administrator as well. Msgr. Mike stated he was fine with this, depending on the instrument chosen. As well, he stated that after about two months here, for two weeks, he asked anonymous members of the Assembly to evaluate his homilies. 2011 Archbishop's Appeal: Craig reminded the Staff that the In-Pew solicitation for the 2011 AA campaign is February 12-13th weekend. Yolanda Delgado and he will give 2-3 minutes of encouragement at all of the Masses. Our goal is listed in the bulletin.
John: He stated that Weight Watchers will NOT be using our facilities...Alcoholics Anonymous are still looking into beginning in March 2011? The storage area on the first floor of the Parish Offices Building near the elevator will be used to house and store ACTS items except large ones...Rooms are set up generically. Those who use them can change the formation to suit their needs of their particular meeting. HOWEVER, THEY MUST RETURN THE ROOM TO THE INITIAL SETUP FOR THOSE WHO WILL USE THE ROOMS LATER. Failure to do so will be a forfeiture of using HT's facilities...He also suggested that we look at the cost of using the church and the banquet hall for the same event. He had a proposal that he handed out to the Staff. Msgr. Mike stated that this will be discussed with some of the Staff members at a later date.
Sherry: She suggested moving the altar in the above storage area to the room designated, "Counseling." Perhaps a candle and bible to accent a reverential
atmosphere for the room...We will begin having a men's and a women's Spanish ACTS hopefully no later than 2012.
Kristin / Eric: Faith Formation would like to keep the chapel open on Mondays and Wednesdays for those parents who wish to pray there while awaiting their child's religious education to end. Msgr. Mike supported this. The other days of the week the chapel closes at 5PM...Other items include the following: Sacramental Preparation: The next parent/child workshop for children preparing to celebrate the sacrament of Eucharist will be held tonight during regular class times in the St. Simon/St. Peter rooms. This is to make up for the class that was canceled last Wednesday due to the severe cold weather. We currently have 208 students preparing for First Eucharist...The last parent/child workshop will be on Saturday, March 26th at 9AM in the church. This will be a "Slow Motion" mass celebrated by Msgr. Mike. Shelia Morse will provide the music for this mass. This will be for the 3rd grade class only...President's Day Holiday: There will be no Faith Formation classes on February 21st and 23rd and the Faith Formation Office will be closed on Monday, February 21st in observance of the President's Day Holiday...Meetings: Kristin and Eric attended the Northeast/North Central Deanery meeting on Tuesday, February 8th at St. Mark from 11:30AM until 2PM...We will be attending the Mid-Winter Gathering on February 24th at Blessed Sacrament from 8:30AM until 4PM...Catechist Valentine: Catechists will be receiving a copy of Matthew Kelly's Rediscover Catholicism next week during class as a token of our appreciation for their dedication to the ministry of faith formation.
Gloria: She reminded the Staff that we are adding three (3) additional pages, plus a fourth for more advertising in our bulletin.
Debbie: Confirmation is to take place on Saturday, May 14th at 11AM with AB Gustavo. We currently have 121 confirmandi. The AB wishes to meet with them thirty (30) minutes prior to the ceremony. He does not want to have pictures DURING the ceremony...Life Teen will be going to a retreat in Alexandria LA, June 24-26th, leaving about midday...The Life Teen Leadership Conference, held in Atchison KA, takes place June 27th-July 1st...Teen ACTS is July 21st-24th, with the Welcome Home Mass scheduled for the 5:30PM that Sunday evening.
Msgr. Mike: He was told that Faith Formation, specifically the Edge group, takes care of the Operation Rice Bowl collection during the Lenten season. The total amount is given to them?cThe parish will contribute to several groups: Catholic Daughters, Seton Home and KLRN television. For some of these we will have a table. If Staff is interested in going, please let Gloria know. Cecilia will take care of the money for these items out of the Sharing Fund. He spoke briefly about his upcoming knee surgery, February 14th and invited the Staff to the anointing scheduled for Friday, February 11th Parish Pastoral Council suggested that Staff pictures be taken to help the parish know who are the various Staff members of Holy Trinity.
Closing Prayer: Fr. Alex led the Staff in a closing prayer.
Next Meeting: Friday, March 11, 2011, 10AM-12Noon, w/ lunch to follow.