Present: Msgr. Mike Yarbrough, Fr. Martin Garcia, Deacon Oscar Perez, Debbie Freno, BobLorenz, Rita Farmer, Rolland Cole, J.J. Hansbrough, Laura Hansbrough, Beth Roberts, Excused: Jeanne Henschell, Ralph Welsh, Tess Welsch, Melissa Smiley, Nancy Lee, Joe Lorenz, Monica Arce, Rose Monday, Jim Ermis, Grace Minus, Patrick Fetzer, Bob Short, Jim Ermis, Kathy Fetzer, Dan Wojciechowski, Christine McClean, Goldie LoTurco, Deacon Guy LoTurco, Carol Short, Opening Prayer: Msgr. Mike led the SCC in a prayer. Christmas under the Bridge: Bob reported on this. Bags are going to be needed for the CAM Food Drive in May as well as for the upcoming Christmas Under the Bridge in December. We will need 700 CAM gags, 350 Pathways bags and 900 Christmas Under the Bridge bags. Bags need to be of a darker color. They are better able to be reused this way. Pathways are the first responders for children taken from their homes quickly…The dates for 2013 collection have been set. They are: The bags go up on November 2-3, with collection on November 9-10 and November 16-17. These dates are all before Thanksgiving…Bob had a handout entitled, “Balancing Generosity, Stewardship and Discipleship”. It was by Lutheran minister, Rev. Dr. Douglass Rutt…Discussion took place over this article with the Social Concerns committee…Ministry Fair question was also accented. It seems like we need younger folk to begin participating in the SC committee. Msgr. Mike mentioned that the PPC had dialogued on another Ministry Fair, but they were looking at August. A suggestion was that Social Concerns needs to create a handout as to what we do in the parish. The most recent Pictorial Directory has some of the Social Concerns activities in it. CAM: Beth Roberts spoke on this. She had several handouts for the SCC. These included: a request for the Holy Trinity Bible Study Groups to bring in some men’s gently used or new clothing items. This will be published in the bulletin as well. Irene Pollack will coordinate this. She accented the CAM 40 Days & 40 Ways to Help. SCC received a handout on a 7-year old girl, Kayli, who hosted a garage sale of her own items and donated them to those in need. She also shared some of the activated from November and December of CAM along with some Developmental Activities. She gave the 2012 CAM Services Totals: 51,746 served and 38,300 individuals walked in the doors; Clothing was 22,585, which included hygiene, underwear, socks, shoes, diapers, coats and two outfits per person; Rent for 191 people; Utilities for 1,241; Prescriptions for 756 and ID Recovery for 3,071. These totals reflect both downtown as well as the satellite office. CAM continues to need volunteers if you are available. Food drive dates have been set: May 4-5 – Bags distributed; Collection of food items – May 11-12; 18-19 and 25-26 weekends. Rosary Ministry: Report accented that the ministry will be providing small, baby “memory’ rosaries for miscarriage boxes the Mothering with Grace group is assembling April. We are also finishing 45 rosaries for the women’s ACTS retreat in April and beginning on 50 rosaries for the Men’s ACTS retreat in May…Forty-one (41) jewelry rosaries have been made as gifts to give from Holy Trinity for the new RCIA candidates. These will be given to Veronica Santillan once they have been boxed and wrapped… Twine car rosaries, 1163, were given to the teen confirmation classes and instructors during the first week of Lent…One of our members, Jim Mills, has been researching new military outlets for our military rosaries, and has been successful placing them. Mission Capodanno’s “Free to Chaplains” program has taken some of our rosaries and will provide them to Catholic Chaplains, when contacted. Also, Hill AFB Catholic Chapel in Utah has a priest that will be deployed in July and we are sending 200 military packs to him. One of our former parishioners and Rosary Ministry members was transferred to Hill AFB and wants to start a Rosary Ministry there This will give her a good start!...Since January 2013, the Rosary Ministry has donated 971 rosaries to various groups and individuals. Habitat for Humanity: The build is ahead and reports have been published in the bulletin. Dedication is to take place on March 23rd, 11AM at the site. Lunch will be served at 11:45AM. Baby Shower: Rita reported on this as well. She is contacting Guadalupe Home and SetonHome though no date is set. Possible date is Saturday, July 20th, from 1-3PM, probably in the Tyler Peltier Formation Gathering Area0th. Chris McClean is being asked to chair this event and make it a CDA (Catholic Daughters of America) Angel Tree Report: Msgr. Mike updated the SCC on the revised dates for the Angel Tree. The new dates are the following: Trees Put Up – November 30th, Saturday after Thanksgiving; Angels on the Trees for November 30-December 1 and December 7-8 weekends. All Angels must be returned by December 15th before the 11:15AM Mass that day. Sort date / Organizations Pick up is Thursday, December 19th at 5PM. New Chair: By acclamation, Rolland Cole was selected as the chair of the SCC. Next Meeting: April 27, 2013, 10AM in Faith Formation Building Opening Prayer: Rita Closing Prayer – Bob