Social Concerns Committee Mtg Highlights - October
The following are highlights from the October 20, 2012 Social Concerns Meeting. Present: Craig Koett, Msgr. Mike Yarbrough, Fr. Martin Garcia, Tess Welsch, Debbie Freno, Carol Short, Bob Lorenz, Rita Farmer, Rolland Cole, Excused:Jeanne Henschell, Ralph Welsh, Melissa Smiley, Nancy Lee, Joe Lorenz, Monica Arce, Rose Monday, Jim Ermis, Christine McClean, Grace Minus, Bob Short, Beth Roberts, J.J. Hansbrough, Laura Hansbrough, Patrick Fetzer, Kathy Fetzer, Dan Wojciechowski, Opening Prayer: Msgr. Mike led the Social Concerns Committee in an opening prayer. Christmas Under the Bridge: SC was reminded of the dates for this annual project. Christmas Under the Bridge bags would be available the weekend of November 3-4. Collection would then be November 10-11 and November 17-18. Angel Tree: Again, SC was reminded of the dates for this annual project. Trees go up November 24-25; Collection would be December 1-2 and December 8-9. Those who will benefit from the Angel Tree include: Seton Home, Children’s Shelter, Hill Country Youth, Mentor Families, CAM, St. Timothy, Guadalupe Home, St. PJ’s and Blue Santa. Divorced &Separated Group: Dan did not attend but emailed the following to Msgr. Mike. The group met on October 13th. They have instituted a 12-week video DVD program entitled, “The Catholics Divorce Survival Guide." We had 11 attendees out of the total of 20 that have registered and attended some of the previous sessions. The October 6the session was facilitated by Mary Chavez. There were also 11 attendees last week. It remains to be seen if we can keep all 20 in the program for all sessions. We are doing a weekly makeup session of the previous week's video at 9AM each Saturday. Some of the 20 that have registered have missed more than 1 session - not sure if they have dropped out or are just having scheduling conflicts and will want to make up the missed sessions in the future. The feedback has been very positive and it looks as if this program has been successful. A request for personal evaluations of the program at the end of the 12 weeks is being made. Dan will continue to provide a weekly update. He is also open to any questions or comments. Thank you for support of this program. Baby Shower: No report. Havens, Meals on Wheels & Prayer Shawl: Carol reported on this. Meals On Wheels – Presently we have seven (7) stops and eight (8) people receiving meals. A new contact person / coordinator is needed for our parish. Presently, a representative from Senior Services is overseeing and coordinating our routes…Prayer Shawl – There were nine (9) shawls given out in August, twenty-two (22) were given out in September and four (4) given out so far in October. There was a great increase in the number of shawls given to the Bereavement Group. We are getting low on cards and tags given with each shawl, so Carol will be placing an order for these by the end of October. Presently we are low on shawls and so she will be appealing to the members to try to complete a shawl before Christmas. We are now giving a rosary with each shawl things to the Rosary Ministry. Carol wrote an article for the bulletin explaining the addition of the painting of Our Lady of Undoer of Knots to decorate the walls of the Family Meeting Room of the Banquet Hall. In the article she explained how one could obtain a devotional book or Novena to Mary, Undoer of Knots. The addition of a shelf in the closet where the shawl are kept as well as extra yarn and the material used at the meeting and to gift wrap and complete the gift of the shawls is greatly appreciated…Alzheimer Ministry (Havens) - We have a very committed group of four (4 people who attend each week. We have had six (6) people come for one visit or two (2), but have not committed to regular weekly visit. The Eucharist is offered each week during the time we are there. A group from Padre Pio congregation is regularly responsible for this, but this month Carol filled in so it that communion could be offered. The Music Ministry is twice a month now instead of only the third Thursday. Cassie or Chrissy or at least one dog visits with us each month. CAM – Rita spoke on this. Their big gala is coming up soon. It is scheduled for October 25, 2012 at the Pearl Stables, 6:30PM. It CAM’s Annual Dinner Benefit entitled, “Feast to Feed”. She stated that an annual food drive seems best for the parish rather than quarterly. Annual food drive in 2012 was held in May...She thanks the parish for the advertisement in the bulletin for the Christmas Card project…Question about any competition between CAM and the Food Bank was responded to. There is NO competition. In fact, CAM often buys food from the Bank when needed…Msgr. Mike also mentioned that the Food Bank does catering. Perhaps the parish might utilize them periodically in our need for caterers as well. Catholic Daughters of America: Carol reported that they will be meeting on Thursday, October 25th for their monthly gathering. They are also going to attend the 11:15AM Mass on Sunday, October 21st, as a group, marking their anniversary as a national organization…They are also looking for a charity to which they can connect. The Daughters of Charity was one suggestion made. Prison Ministry was another suggestion offered. Haven for Hope: No report due to JJ and Laura’s absence. Rosary Ministry: Due to Beth’s absence, Craig gave her report which was sent via email. Our Lady’s Rosary Ministry celebrated its one year anniversary Oct. 4, 2012. Members have made and distributed 3,780 rosaries over the past year (October 2011 – September 2012). Fr. Martin was present to give the group a special anniversary blessing, and to bless our new Rosary banner, crafted and donated by Rosa Cortés, one of our members. The traveling statue of Blessed Pope John Paul II was also present. Nine (9) members were honored for making over 100 rosaries themselves, and four (4) individuals were honored for making over 200 rosaries. The Ministry Fair was very successful for us, as seventeen (17) new members joined. All have been added to our email list, and most have attended either a meeting and/or workshop. Instruction was given (and some materials donated) in September to a group at Holy Spirit interested in starting their own Rosary Ministry…ACTS: Sixty-five (65) Teen ACTS Rosaries were made for their retreat in August, and forty-five (45) have been made for the Women’s Spanish retreat in November…Prayer Shawl Ministry: Fifty (50) Rosaries were made in August and September and given to Carol…Couples Shared Prayer: Fifty (50) Rosaries have been made for their retreat in September…Total Rosaries made and distributed July 2012 – October 2012 = 743. An attachment included a more detailed accounting of the rosary distribution…In lieu of our December 6th member meeting, the Rosary Ministry, along with La Comunidad de Evangelización Para Matrimonios Ministry is hosting a lecture given by Dr. Roberto Jimenez on the tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Dr. Jimenez will give the same lecture in Spanish on December 1st, then in English on December 6th. TOOLS asked if they could help, and they will be providing refreshments on December 6th. We are very excited that Dr. Jimenez is returning to Holy Trinity. He was here when the Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was present July 5, and spoke after mass and for the opportunity to work alongside different ministries to promote unity within our parish community, as we prepare for the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Other Social Concerns Issues: Bob followed up on his report for a clothing bin. We have limited space for storing clothing here at HT. Bob had some handouts showing possible purchases of clothing bins. Some are available through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, but Bob felt these were too expensive and not the best choice. Apparently the Boy Scouts were instrumental in making this out of wood. Another concern is the vandalism that could take place with these containers. Questions about whether an outside bin was best for the parish. Concerns raised was the weather, vandalism and some items being thrown in that really would not belong there, perhaps even damaging the clothing placed in the bin. His suggestion, with a handout, was to have a large cart for the inside. Conversation centered on the ambiance of the church with some of the bins and carts. Msgr. Mike suggested maybe one could be put in the foyer of the Parish Offices. SC agreed on the purchase of two carts, the size would be nine (9) cubic feet and blue in color. Bob will coordinate with Craig on this. Msgr. Mike’s Report: He accented the following with SC. We have increased our annual donation to our sister parish, St. Timothy, to $25K. This is shared in two (2) equal installments. We also purchased $1K of their raffle tickets as well…The Parish Pastoral Council also suggested the possibility of helping with a parish that would be outside the USA. No decision on this at this time…We have now included in our “Ministry Listing” the Spanish Ministries available in the parish as well…Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration is scheduled for December 12th at 7PM in the Church. It will be concelebrated with Fr. Martin and Msgr. Mike. We may have a guest homilist. Other activities are under consideration as well. More details as they become available…Our Advent Penitential Service is scheduled for Wednesday, December 5th at 7PM. We are expecting 15-18 priests for Penance. A listing of the other Advent Penitential Services in the Deanery will be in the bulletin…We have just received our Music Supplement which is in the Hymnals. These are additional songs that our Music Ministers wanted to have placed for the various liturgical needs…Our Senior Luncheon is scheduled for Wednesday, November 14th at 11:15AM. It will be held in the Banquet Hall for both the Mass, which includes the Anointing of the Sick, and the luncheon to follow. Fr. Martin and Msgr. Mike will be concelebrating this celebration….We also have an outreach program with some of our Ministers of Communion. A team of Holy Trinity parishioners bring Holy Communion and companionship to the residents of Sonterra Health Care Centre nursing home every week. Among their activities and as part of their program, they "adopt" three (3) projects a year which can be outreach, support, or miscellaneous, to involve all their residents in something meaningful that enriches their lives. One of their projects will be assisting St. Timothy. Starting with October, this group will start collecting items on the list published by HT to donate to St. Timothy…Sad news includes the upcoming retirement of Craig Koett from the parish as our Parish Administrator. He will have been with the parish for 10+ years upon his retirement the end of January, 2013. Much thanks goes to Craig and his leadership in the parish. Closing Prayer: Led by Craig Next Meeting: January 12, 2013, 9AM, FFBuilding