These are highlights from the March 11, 2011 Staff Meeting
Present:Msgr. Mike Yarbrough, Doug Stolo, Eric Dietel, Kristin Casas, Joaquin B. Martinez, Ana Rosa Lane, Rosa Becnel, Lizzette Kranz, Gloria Barretto, John Dulske, Debbie Gray, Sherry Drury, Martha Sandoval, Cecilia Greene, Gloria Barretto. Excused:Fr. Alex Pereida, Craig Koett, ZZ Mylar,
Opening Prayer:Msgr. Mike led the Staff in an opening prayer.
Debbie: Reminded the Staff about the upcoming Habitat for Humanity project here on campus. It is entitled, “Putting Walls Together”. It is done in at a parish site and is being done for the first time in this kind of format. It takes place from 8:30AM-3:30PM. The KCs will provide adults and lunch. Irene Pollard will be coordinator for the Youth on this project. Youth will need permission slips from parents in order to participate in the project.
John: We have the Deanery Mass with AB Gustavo on Friday, March 18that 7PM. A reception will follow in the banquet hall.
Sherry: Reception for the Deanery Mass will include: nachos, cookies, fruit, quesadillas, coffee, tea, lemonade…The KC Fish Fry, the Spanish Marriage Group and the Stations of the Cross are all cancelled for that evening due to the Mass…A reminder that traffic control will be needed for Ash Wednesday. Do we need to change the time frames on the liturgical services? Msgr. Mike will assess afterwards for next Ash Wednesday…The Rite of Sending takes place next Sunday at the 9:30AM Liturgy. We will be sending 24 children and 17 adults. The Rite of Election, the same day, will be at St. Matthew, with AB Gustavo; at 3PM…There will be a liturgical aid for some music for the Lenten season…The Transition for Implementation Committee – adapting the New Roman Missal – is targeting specific groups. Through them we will disseminate to the rest of the parish groups and organizations. Kristin and she are on the committee…She showed a Spanish ACTS form and they are requesting team members for the Spanish Core…ACTS Core will be moving some of their items on Saturday (12)into the closest in the parish offices.
Kristin:Sacramental Preparation:The last parent/child workshop for children preparing to receive First Eucharist this year will be on Saturday, March 26that 9AM in the church. This will be a “Slow Motion” mass celebrated by Msgr. Mike. Shelia Morse will provide the music for this mass and Deacon Guy will help celebrate. We are still looking for altar servers to assist as well…We have one child who needs to do a Profession of Faith and this will be done at that time with Msgr. Mike…Spring Break: There will be no Faith Formation classes and the Faith Formation Office will be closed the week of March 14-17 because of the Spring Break holiday in NEISD…Meetings:Kristin and Eric attended the Northeast/North Central Deanery meeting on Tuesday, March 8that Our Lady of Grace from 11:30AM-2PM. The next Deanery Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 12that Holy Spirit…VBS:The theme for this year’s VBS is “PandaMania” and VBS will take place June 13-17. We are currently recruiting adult volunteers to help staff our VBS. We need at least 30 adult volunteers who are committed to helping from 9AM-12Noon, Monday through Friday the week of VBS in order to accommodate the usual number of children (180 participants and 120 teen volunteers). Last year we only had about 20 adults and this did not provide a safe environment for all the children involved. We need a ratio of 1 adult to every 10 children in order to provide sufficient supervision. We will adjust the number of children according to the number of adult volunteers who commit to helping. Adult volunteers also receive 50% off the price of VBS for their children and are able to register them early. Middle school/high school volunteers can register to help in May. They must be at least 12 years old to volunteer. VBS is offered to children who have just completed Kindergarten (youngest) to just completing 5thgrade (oldest)…Mother’s Day / Father’s DayGifts: Can this be selected and purchased by the parish office since that is the budget it comes out of, not FF? Children are usually recruited at each mass to pass out gifts-Craig has handled this in the past. Yes, this will be done by the parish.
Gloria:She will be on vacation and needs information for the March 20thand 27thbulletins before then…We will continue publishing marriage anniversaries in the bulletin…We have the St. Joseph painting as well…Those who are interested we have tickets for the Catholic Daughters of America Style Show and Luncheon on April 10th, beginning at 12Noon. It is at the Omni Hotel off I-10.
Msgr. Mike: A request to investigate getting a “hard of hearing” sound system aid needs to be looked Into by Craig or John…Parish Pastoral Council nominations are still in process…We will have three (3) days of Lenten Renewal led by various priests from the Legionnaires of Christ…We are looking to have an updated census the latter part of 2011…There is to be a Second Collection on Ash Wednesday.
Closing Prayer:Led by Fr. Alex. Next Meeting:April 26, 2011 at 1-3PM