STAFF MEETING HIGHLIGHTS The following are highlights from the Staff Meeting held on October 1, 2014
Present: Msgr. Mike Yarbrough, Fr. Oscar Tello, Deacon Oscar Perez, Doug Stolo, Gloria Barretto, Martha Sandoval, Rosa Becnel, Lizzette Kranz, John Dulske, Cecilia Greene, Renee Kuntz, Debbie Gray, Joaquin B. Martinez, Eric Mejia, Jonathan Rodriguez, Roberto Contreras, Kristin Casas, Desma Delgado,
Excused: Ana Rosa Lane, George Weynand, Estevan Muñoz, Sylvia Jimenez, Lucy Tavira;
Opening Prayer: Staff Meeting began with an opening prayer led by Cecilia.
Updates: Fr. Oscar Tello, Cecilia, John, Jonathan, and Desma updated the Staff on their recent times.
Ana Rosa: She reported that we have a total of families’ w/envelopes at 3328.
Lizzette: She reminded Staff that purchases for the parish need to us the tax exempt form. We do not get reimbursed when we pay the sales tax.
Cecilia: Our IT man, Paul, is coming in today. He is here to test the speed and retention of some of our computers…Msgr. Mike’s insert key is not working. It needs to be fixed.
Kristin: Elementary Faith Formation Enrollment: Total enrollment for Elementary Faith Formation as of Tuesday, September 30, 2014: Total = 726…
Catechists: We currently have 94 Catechists/Assistants.
Meetings/Conferences: Holy Trinity will host the North Central/Northeast Deanery Meeting in the St. Thomas/St. Matthew rooms on October 14th from 11:30 am-2:30 pm. Kristin will be attending the University of Dallas Ministry Conference in Dallas on October 23rd -26th. Several DREs/CREs in our Deanery are attending this conference since the Archdiocese of San Antonio is not having the annual
CFLC this year…
Sacramental Preparation: We have 213 children preparing for the sacrament of Penance and Eucharist. The first parent/child workshop will be held on October 6/8 during regular class times in the Gathering Area. At least one parent must attend this class with their child. Father Oscar is scheduled to present the parent/child workshop on November 10th and Monsignor Mike on November
12th. The First Reconciliation Penance Service is scheduled for Saturday, December 6th at 10AM.
October Events: There will be no Faith Formation classes on October 13th and 15th in observance of the Columbus Day holiday in NEISD…The Safe Environment materials will be presented to the children in class on October 20/22…Parish Religious Education Week:
National Parish Religious Education Week: November 2-8, 2014. This is a national celebration that will highlight all catechetical programs in parishes nationwide. We will be giving our catechists a small gift of appreciation during this week.
Doug: He will be on vacation from October 29th – November 2nd. Mike Walsh take his place as sacristan for this timeframe…Counting is fine through November 2015 as per the Archdiocesan directive. We are averaging 4300 per weekend…Lighting has been changed in Church as of October 1st.
Renee: Edge is going well. We are averaging 200 for this middle school faith formation each Monday. We have 280 registered. We have 60 catechists / volunteers of which one-half are adults and one-half are high school students…For the upcoming Middle School retreat, we have 20 registered for El Shaddai at York TX. The theme is social justice…We will have Penance on November 17th…For Confirmation, we have 101 on Sundays at 8AM, with 8 volunteers and we have 45 on Wednesday nights with 5 volunteers. The dates for Confirmation are Friday, May 22nd, 7PM and Saturday, May 23rd at 11AM in 2015.
Debbie: We have 160 teens for Life Teen on Sunday nights. Social Justice is the theme as well…We have the National Catholic Youth Ministry gathering in SAT from December 4-6. Jonathan, Eric, Debbie and Renee are all going…There is a High School retreat at Deer Creek from November 14-16 with an estimated 60-80 participants…November 1st is a World Youth Day conference for youth at St.Mark’s.
Eric: Young Adults gathering on October 7th at 11:30AM…There is a retreat scheduled for October 17-19 at Slumber in New Braunfels TX…There is a new young adult professional group in SAT. They are called the Young Catholic Professionals, mostly in their 20s and 30s. The group met already with about 150 who attended. The purpose is membership and to make connections with other young professionals. The next meeting is at HT on November 4th, Tuesday, in the Peltier Gathering Area.
Jonathan: The Spanish group of teens meets on Thursday evenings. Their purpose is to prepare and practice for the upcoming Sunday liturgy. There is about 40-45 who attend each Thursday. We have 4 adults who help with this group….Some restructuring is being done which is to include some Spanish speakers. There are also some conflicts that need resolution.
Joaquin: We need to be on the alert for people being on the property. Inappropriate items are being left in areas that are not used as much. Security is the concern here as well.
Desma: We have 30 RCIA for Children…We have 30 Adult Confirmandi who meet on Thursday nights. Ceremony takes place at St. Mark’s, November 14th, at 7PM…There will be an RCIA workshop sponsored by the Archdiocese on November 1st…We will have our Rite of Acceptance and Welcome at the 9:30AM Mass on October 5th.
Gloria: We will be adding four (4) more pages to our bulletin for a total of 20. The hope is to cut down on the inserts that have been increasing in recent weeks. It will include color. The hope is sometime in October for this to begin. We average 1500 bulletins per week. The cost to the parish is nothing since the advertisers on the source of income for the publisher.
Msgr. Mike: He went over the calendar with the Staff for the coming month…Alan Ames, a healer from Australia who has been here before, will be at HT again on Thursday, October 16th, 7PM in the Church… Our Advent Mission is scheduled for December 15-16 in English and December 17-18 in Spanish. Our speaker is Bishop Emeritus Michael Pfeiffer from San Angelo TX…Dan Duet’s concert is on Wednesday, November 18th, 7PM…Our annual Senior Mass is Wednesday, November 19th, 11AM in the Banquet Hall…Fr. Oscar and he will be at T-Bar-M Ranch for the annual Priests’ Convocation. Communion services for November 3rd (12:05PM), November 4
th and November 5th.
Next Meeting: November 12, 2014, 10-12Noon, KC Room.
Opening Prayer: Joaquin
Closing Prayer: Jonathan