The following are highlights from the Staff Meeting held on September 8, 2010
Msgr. Mike led the Staff meeting with an opening prayer.
Kristin: She reported on the Elementary Faith Formation at HT. She stated: Enrollment – Total enrollment for Elementary Faith Formation as of Tuesday, September 7, 2010: Pre K – 42; Good Shepherd – 25; Kindergarten – 76; 1st Grade – 78; 2nd Grade – 122; 3rd Grade – 132; 4th Grade – 96; 5th Grade – 94; Home School – 18; Total – 683. Catechists – We currently have 77 Catechists/Assistants who will be teaching our Faith Formation classes. We still need 7 more catechists to meet the Archdiocese‘s requirement of 2 adults per classroom…Our Catechist In-Service will be held on Tuesday, September 14th at 10AM and 7PM in the Gathering Area of the Faith Formation Building. Catechists will receive their teaching materials, class lists and instruction on how to plan and carry out a lesson…All catechists will receive a blessing at mass on Catechetical Sunday, September 19th. Deanery Meeting – Kristin and Eric will be attending a Deanery Meeting at St. Joseph Honey Creek on September 14th from 11:30-2:30. Sacramental Preparation – We have 157 children who will be preparing for the sacraments of Penance and Eucharist. The first parent/child workshop will be held on October 4th and 6th during regular class times. At least one parent must attend this class with their child. Craig: He reported that the Parish Office hours ONLY – but not the Faith Formation building – will extend on Monday-Thursday from 8:30AM – 8PM, Friday from 8:30AM-5PM and then on Saturday, 9AM-12Noon. Two college student of the parish will be hired to staff these additional hours…He also thanks Carol Short for the prayer shawl he received recently.
Debbie: She reported on the upcoming faith formation for Edge (Middle School) as well as the High School and Youth programs. We have 226 in the Edge program. We have 164 Freshman and Sophomores. Total is 390. We also have somewhere between 40-60 Juniors and Seniors who come as well. Confirmation is normally in early May, usually on a Saturday AM. We have 93 in the Confirmation process…We will have World Youth Day at St. Mark‘s Parish on November 13, from 12Noon-6PM. It is a one-day retreat…There is the high school retreat at Deer Creek Summer Camp. The dates are November 5-7th. Registration needs to be done by November 1st…She asks for prayers for Billy Jackson who use to work at HT. He needs a liver transplant. He is on the prayer list already…She is thanking members of the Life Teen Core Team who are retiring, three (3) after nine (9) years and one (1) after five (5) years. A gift is planned to be offered to each of them. They are: Linda & Phil Clark, Tom and Cathy Rasmussen…Core Members needed for Confirmation (3); Life Teen (10) and Edge (15). Catechists are also needed for Edge, High School and Confirmation.
Cecilia: We have a credit card in the name of the parish. Purchases can be done with the use of this card for parish and faith formation needs. Limit is $500 per purchase. Higher amounts need a prior approval…Thank you for the prayers for her mom. She is doing well…FC date is changed so that Fr. Alex can attend. It was previously scheduled on his day off…She is still looking into Parish Pay or Greater Giving for electronic donations.
Msgr. Mike: He shared that the Welcome New Parishioner Dinner is scheduled for Wednesday, September 22nd in the Banquet Hall. We have 144 newly-registered parishioners from June 1 – August 31st. The Dinner will be from 7-8:30PM, with several staff members speaking briefly. They are Gloria Barretto, Parish Secretary, John Dulske, Facilities Manager, Gary Gonzaba, Member of the Parish Pastoral Council, Fr. Alex and Msgr. Mike…Alan Ames, preacher and healer, is scheduled to come to HT on Thursday, November 18th, 7PM. Bishop Tom Flanagan will have a Mass at 7PM and then Alan will speak…Discussion ensued in regards to the parish website. Eric is the staff member who handles this. The ?how to? was clarified at the meeting.
Closing Prayer: Fr. Alex led the Staff in a closing prayer. Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 6th, 10AM-12Noon, KC Room