Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a volunteer-driven program that helps children discover the power of Jesus’ love! Holy Trinity is in search of volunteers who are excited to help celebrate God's greatness. VBS is one week long, in the summer, with morning programming for both elementary and middle school children.
Volunteer registration opens April 1
Consider the following before registering as a VBS Volunteer:
Both Elementary and Middle School VBS programs are in need of volunteers for a variety of roles, learn more about them below:
Crew & Core Leaders get to have all the fun as they spend the day engaging with a group of VBS campers. We're looking for volunteers who love the Lord and love spending time with children of all ages. Guide and shepherd participants through exciting rotations of activities that reinforce relevant Bible points and immerse participants in new adventures!
Interested in this role? Click one of the two areas below for requirements
Crew Leader Volunteers for Elementary VBS
Core Leader Volunteers for Middle School VBS
Volunteer support is needed for a variety of Elementary VBS "Stations." Every day of VBS incorporates a new Bible point that teaches campers more about God's love. Participants are guided by their Crew Leaders and rotate in and out of each activity throughout the days program.
Interested in one of these role? Click the link for requirements
Station Leader Volunteers for Elementary VBS
Interested volunteers have the opportunity to volunteer in ONE of the below areas:
The Bible Adventures station brings the Bible to life through interacting and engaging activities - volunteers should be comfortable with reading & presenting, as well as a bit of acting & singing.
2 adults / 4 teens
The Sticky Scripture station provides kids with Bible literacy through a series of video resources and facilitated activities - volunteers will test equipment, present video and facilitate activities within the room.
2 adults / 2 teens
The Game station provides fun energetic activities and discussions through physical play - volunteers will set up for games, explain rules, conduct physical games and reset space.
2 adults / 4 teens
Sing & Play Team creates the excitement by providing interactive activities for kids at the opening and closing sessions each day. Team members must be comfortable performing in front of a crowd - this role will require volunteers to practice and teach themed songs/dances and act out various scenes for the program.
2 adults / 4 teens
The Imagination Station encourages creativity and provides interactive experiments for kids - volunteers will set up for experiment, explain assembly and reset space.
2 adults / 4 teens
The Kitchen Team oversees the Snack Station serving up the fun through themed snacks and blessings - volunteers will help prepare, serve, clean up and reset the snack station each day.
4 adults / 4 teens
This multimedia master creates fun and engaging VBS slideshows which recap Bible points, verses, and stories. Photography and computer skills are a must.
Spotlight Team Details
1 adult / 1 teen
This role will require attentiveness, initiative, flexibility and patience. Serve in a "support" role for the overall program - greet participants, run supplies, serve as a "sub" for various absent volunteer positions, etc.
Support Crew Details
4 teens
The "Set Up Team" helps bring the VBS theme to life the week PRIOR to VBS! Creating this exciting environment requires many helping hands in a variety of areas for set up:
If all volunteer spots fill, those still interested may choose to select the "Volunteer Waitlist" option on the VBS Volunteer Form. Volunteers on the waitlist will be contacted in the event that a spot becomes available and in the order they are on the waitlist. An email will be sent with the opening position available, and the position will again be filled on a first response basis.
Adults Only; Holy Trinity's VBS team is often in need of an adult Support Team to help with pre-planning and coordination. This team kicks off the year in January, meeting with the Faith Formation staff and providing support in their planning endeavors.
Interested in joining the team? Click this link for more information
Support Team Information
Email Rich (Elem VBS) or Maddie (MS VBS) in the summer after VBS or in the fall if interested.